11AM Bilingual Service June 2nd at 11:00 AM. No 9:15 AM Service.



At Providence Road, the emphasis is that we do life together. This "life together-ness" is meant to be deeply relational and intentional. Through our community groups, relationships are strengthened and encouraged, disciples are made, and gospel mission is pursued. We are not created for isolation but for meaningful shared-life with other believers. To achieve this, we have several community groups throughout our city that meet weekly. These groups consist of a wide variety of people with varied backgrounds all meeting under one common denominator: Jesus.

Want to get connected?

We'd love to get you connected to a small group in your area. Below you can find a list of our community groups that meet all over our city in both English and Spanish. You can also Fill out the form the Community Group Interest Form below, and someone will reach out to help you get plugged in to one near you:
If you'd like some more information or have additional questions, we'd love to help you! Contact Pastor Jesse Crowley by emailing pastorjesse@prclife.org or by calling the church office at 786.245.5772.