We exist as a gospel-centered community living in a multicultural city making known the gospel of Jesus Christ to all people for the glory of God.
As Christians in Miami, we see our lives in Christ as something inseparably connected to the body of Christ, the local church (1 Corinthians 12:12-14
). Therefore, contrary to our culture, we want to radically think of our lives in terms of “we” and “us” and not “I” and “me.” It is not an overstatement to say our redeemed lives were designed to belong to God’s new community centered around the gospel of Jesus Christ, where life together happens, and the redemptive mission of God is carried out.
Being a local church in Miami comes with incredible opportunities that far outweigh the inconvenient challenges of living in an urban international metropolis like Miami. With joy, we embrace the reality that as we reach the lost and make disciples, we will look like heaven representing every tongue, tribe, and nation. And, as the “Gateway to the Americas,” we embrace the opportunity to be an Antioch-type church that raises and sends leaders to advance the gospel in our city, Latin America, and the world.
We understand that good works, rituals, acts of charity, politics, and moralism cannot change the human heart. Only by faith in Jesus Christ, through the proclamation of the gospel, can anyone have a saving relationship with the living God. This gospel we must proclaim to all – that Jesus came to live a perfect, sinless life, die a criminal’s death, to then rise again victoriously over sin and death, bringing us home to God in this life and for all eternity. This good news changes everything.
God is the center of all reality. He is God, and there is no other (Isaiah 46:9
). Therefore, as a local church we exist for him and his glory. All of our worship, mission, and efforts serve to glorify him (1 Corinthians 10:31

Being a local church in Miami comes with incredible opportunities that far outweigh the inconvenient challenges of living in an urban international metropolis like Miami. With joy, we embrace the reality that as we reach the lost and make disciples, we will look like heaven representing every tongue, tribe, and nation. And, as the “Gateway to the Americas,” we embrace the opportunity to be an Antioch-type church that raises and sends leaders to advance the gospel in our city, Latin America, and the world.
We understand that good works, rituals, acts of charity, politics, and moralism cannot change the human heart. Only by faith in Jesus Christ, through the proclamation of the gospel, can anyone have a saving relationship with the living God. This gospel we must proclaim to all – that Jesus came to live a perfect, sinless life, die a criminal’s death, to then rise again victoriously over sin and death, bringing us home to God in this life and for all eternity. This good news changes everything.
God is the center of all reality. He is God, and there is no other (Isaiah 46:9

The gospel is the good news that Jesus came to live a perfect, sinless life, die a criminal’s death, and rise again victoriously over sin and death redeeming those who through repentance and faith trust in him. This good news is at the heart of PRC and the driving force behind all we do.
Expository Preaching and the Whole Counsel of God
From expository preaching in the sanctuary to the Jesus Story Book Bible in the nursery, we will saturate our lives with the Scriptures that testify of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:2
Baptist Ecclesiology and a Reformed Soteriology
A commitment to the Bible leads us to gospel-centrality and a proper understanding of the doctrine of the Church and the sovereignty and grace of God in salvation.
Spirit-filled Lives for Worship and Ministry
Christians have forever been changed because of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. His presence and sanctifying work in his people produces genuine worship, healthy relationships, fruitful ministry, and a powerful witness to the world.
Expository Preaching and the Whole Counsel of God
From expository preaching in the sanctuary to the Jesus Story Book Bible in the nursery, we will saturate our lives with the Scriptures that testify of Christ (1 Corinthians 2:2

Baptist Ecclesiology and a Reformed Soteriology
A commitment to the Bible leads us to gospel-centrality and a proper understanding of the doctrine of the Church and the sovereignty and grace of God in salvation.
Spirit-filled Lives for Worship and Ministry
Christians have forever been changed because of the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit. His presence and sanctifying work in his people produces genuine worship, healthy relationships, fruitful ministry, and a powerful witness to the world.
As Christians, we see our lives in Christ as something inseparably connected to his body, the church (1 Corinthians 12:12-14
). And as a local church, we are a people who have covenanted together to live gospel-centered lives as we love, disciple, and care for one another.
Biblical Fellowship and the Ministry of the Word
What separates Christian fellowship from a generic idea of fellowship is our commitment to each other and the Scriptures. In our church, the Bible is obeyed, applied, and cherished together, at times to encourage and at other times to reprove (1 Thessalonians 5:14
Life Together
We dwell together, as brothers and sisters who share a heavenly father, as friends who gather to laugh and eat, and as fellow pilgrims walking in unity to our heavenly home. We share times of joy, and we share times of difficulty, but each step together. After all, “how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity” (Psalm 133:1).
Marriage, Family, and Complementarianism
The Lord has built the church as a family, containing actual families and members relating to each other as families do, showing love and care for each other. However, the Lord has built us differently, some as men, some as women, some as pastors, others deacons, still others serving in other ways. And to each person, the Lord gives a unique gifting and calling to serve the church and honor the Lord.

Biblical Fellowship and the Ministry of the Word
What separates Christian fellowship from a generic idea of fellowship is our commitment to each other and the Scriptures. In our church, the Bible is obeyed, applied, and cherished together, at times to encourage and at other times to reprove (1 Thessalonians 5:14

Life Together
We dwell together, as brothers and sisters who share a heavenly father, as friends who gather to laugh and eat, and as fellow pilgrims walking in unity to our heavenly home. We share times of joy, and we share times of difficulty, but each step together. After all, “how good and pleasant it is when brothers dwell together in unity” (Psalm 133:1).
Marriage, Family, and Complementarianism
The Lord has built the church as a family, containing actual families and members relating to each other as families do, showing love and care for each other. However, the Lord has built us differently, some as men, some as women, some as pastors, others deacons, still others serving in other ways. And to each person, the Lord gives a unique gifting and calling to serve the church and honor the Lord.
A church is a commissioned institution with two primary objectives: first, to glorify God, and second, to bring the gospel to those near and those far. And so, in obedience to this commission, we go (Matthew 28:18-20
Evangelism and Hospitality
The Bible tells us that God has chosen the “foolishness of preaching” as the means by which people will hear and respond to the gospel (1 Corinthians 1:21
). As a church, we do this privately, as we invite people to Christ on the streets and in our homes, and corporately, as we gather together weekly for Sunday service.
Multiplication of Leaders and Churches
The local church is God’s plan to establish the gospel throughout the world. And local churches are led by pastors, and pastors are cultivated through discipleship. And so, our church works to support and start new church plants, and invest ourselves into the development of future leaders.
To the Ends of the Grace
As a church on mission, we think about our gospel responsibility to the world in concentric circles, starting first in our own backyards, moving across region to region, until finally, our feet tread the trails that lead to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8

Evangelism and Hospitality
The Bible tells us that God has chosen the “foolishness of preaching” as the means by which people will hear and respond to the gospel (1 Corinthians 1:21

Multiplication of Leaders and Churches
The local church is God’s plan to establish the gospel throughout the world. And local churches are led by pastors, and pastors are cultivated through discipleship. And so, our church works to support and start new church plants, and invest ourselves into the development of future leaders.
To the Ends of the Grace
As a church on mission, we think about our gospel responsibility to the world in concentric circles, starting first in our own backyards, moving across region to region, until finally, our feet tread the trails that lead to the ends of the earth (Acts 1:8

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